Why I am Catholic — Ryan Vaske
When I go to church, it feels like home. No matter where I have attended a Catholic Mass, I know I am in a place where the community of people share many of my same values. I have attended different religious services along the way and that connection with God is not the same. That is most likely because they are missing the sacraments. I am still learning the power of the sacraments, but to not have that in my faith life would be very missed.
Another big reason I love being Catholic is the pageantry of our services, the smell of a Catholic church, the traditions, the incense, the dedication to Mary, the saints, the holy water, the liturgical seasons of ordinary time, Advent, and my most favorite, Lent and the Triduum — it just wraps it all up in a nice package for me. With my belief that heaven is the destination, and the Catholic faith is my vehicle, I am the driver with the free will to choose the route and God is the gas that powers the vehicle. I need all three of them to work in unison to be really effective.
To sum up my reflection, my Catholic faith is my safe place. I can't imagine my life without it.
Vaske, 50, belongs to St. Ambrose in Woodbury with his wife, Shannon, and daughters Emma and Maybel, who attend Hill-Murray School in Maplewood. He enjoys working in his yard, boating and working out. He owns a consulting company that assists organizations with marketing technology and associated business operations.
"Why I am Catholic" is an ongoing series in The Catholic Spirit. Want to share why you’re Catholic? Submit your story in 300-500 words to [email protected] with "Why I Am Catholic" in the subject line.
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